January 18, 2024

No Agenda Calls

Dear Readers,

I’m thrilled to announce a unique opportunity for all of you, something I’m calling the “NoAgendaCall.” This initiative is a testament to my commitment to being available for you, my valued readers and fellow enthusiasts, no matter where I am or what I’m doing.

Here’s What It’s All About

NoAgendaCall is a chance for you to connect with me directly and dive into a world of knowledge and experience that I’ve accumulated over the years since 2016. You’ve read my blog posts, you’ve followed my journey, and now, it’s time for us to interact on a more personal level.

What Can You Expect?

During these calls, feel free to ask me anything about:

  • Blogging: Tips, tricks, and strategies for creating content that captivates and converts.
  • Rank and Rent: Insights into this intriguing model of SEO and digital real estate.
  • Programmatic SEO: Leveraging tech for optimising content and boosting your site’s visibility with bulk content.

My Promise to You:

I will bring my best to these conversations, drawing from my rich experience to provide you with actionable advice, innovative strategies, and honest feedback. The goal? To help you navigate the complexities of the digital world with greater ease and confidence.

How to Schedule a Call?

Schedule using the calendar below or here.

Let’s Embark on This Journey Together!

Remember, the NoAgendaCall is more than just a Q&A session; it’s an opportunity for growth, learning, and building a community that supports and uplifts each other. So, get your questions ready, and let’s make the most out of this exciting new venture!

Can’t wait to connect with you all!

Warm regards,

Abhishek Sood

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Abhishek Sood

A Blogger turned web developer, now utilizing web dev skills in blogging with Programmatic SEO & building micro-SAASs in the blogging industry.

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